The process of making your garments is time-consuming, sun-fading denim, burying jeans in the dirt, etc. The brand is creating one collection a year as opposed to seasonally. How do you see your work in a context of authenticity, vintage, and artisanal?
Luka: You can't rush greatness, Quality over Quantity. There are already so many things in the market, especially with the resurgence of archival fashion, the boom in vintage and the influx of new brands and new designers. Being part of the fashion circuit for so long, going to all the fashion weeks, seeing so many clothes ALL THE TIME, we wanted to make something with purpose and a story. Why would someone buy marking distance? What makes our brand different from the next? What would i want to buy? What would I want to wear? These are all questions i asked myself while working on this project. We wanted to make pieces that you could truly wear every day, made at the highest level, with intent and attention to detail, from the hardware, to washes, to the distressing. We didnt want to make anything too trendy, or of the now, something you can weave into your personal style. I also wanted it to be true to me, my style and paying homage to our references. Everything is handmade, every piece is hand distressed, the flex jeans are hand painted, the studding and embellishment is done by italian artisans, the washes were thought out. We wanted to account for everything. A Lot of the design process was thinking of things that i would change on some of the vintage pieces i already own, how could i make it better, more comfortable, have a better shape, drape better, making it stiffer etc… Our team is also very small, it's me, james and last but definitely not least, my manager over 10 years Noel. That's it, that is our whole brand. To achieve what we have took a lot of time, effort, trials and error. We would love to one day have more than a collection a year, but for where are right now and how small of a team we are, we really want to focus on what marking distance and whats sets us apart, and we cannot rush that process.
The Marking Distance website is stylized like 4chan, tell me about the vision you two have for the website and forum features.
LUKA: Marking Distance is a brand, but it's also a world, and with time I want to build that world and community through our website. I am also working on music, photography, furniture, art etc... and I would love to build a community of like minded people.
Where do you see your brand's hometown? Do you see the brand as a global/ international brand or one that is New York-based, Paris-based, etc.?
JAMES: I don’t think you can place it in a single city. You know, even the name of the brand was created through traveling: Marking the Distance between all the places we’ve been and seen. As much as New York raised us, cities like Paris, Berlin or Tokyo have served as equally important sources of inspiration through their fashion history, rave culture, or punk scenes.
LUKA: The name Marking Distance originated from a page i started on instagram where i would mark the distance between all the places in the world i traveled, people i met, things ive seen and more. It is also what inspires the brand, and i am still always on the move. Its hard to pin down the home of Marking Distance, because the very inception of it spawns from being everywhere all the time.